FREDERICTON (CNB) - The following statement regarding the appointment of provincial court judge Graydon Nicholas to the office of lieutenant-governor of New Brunswick was issued today by Premier Shawn Graham.

On behalf of the provincial government and all New Brunswickers, I want to congratulate the Honourable Graydon Nicholas, from Tobique First Nation, on being named the 30th lieutenant-governor of our province.

This occasion is truly a milestone worthy of recognition and celebration by every resident of our province, as Nicholas is the first Aboriginal ever chosen to be the Queen's representative here.

In light of this, and the fact that he's also the first Aboriginal to obtain a law degree in both our province and Atlantic Canada, I believe that Nicholas is living proof of just how far our province and region have progressed socially in recent years. What's more, his example serves to show what can be achieved here, in this place we all call home. It proves that in New Brunswick, people really can be themselves, be proud of who they are, and be successful.

For these reasons, I am confident that Nicholas will be an inspiration in his new role to all New Brunswickers, especially to the First Nation peoples for whom he has been a highly respected role model for many years.

I am already certain that he will be an exemplary lieutenant-governor, as he brings to the office a wealth of experience, education, knowledge and stature in many areas, including law, social work, treaty and Aboriginal rights, human rights, and indigenous political development at the regional, national and international levels.

I want to commend Prime Minister Stephen Harper for his excellent choice of Nicholas for the position of lieutenant-governor, and for his inclusive, non-partisan approach to the selection process. Opposition leader David Alward and I are grateful to have been given the opportunity to provide our input in this important undertaking.

I also want to express my sincere appreciation to the leader of the Opposition for his willingness to work with me to compile a list of names of qualified candidates for the prime minister to consider during the selection process.

Furthermore, I want to thank outgoing Lt.-Gov. Herménégilde Chiasson for his considerable efforts on behalf of all New Brunswickers over the last six years. In his role he became renowned for his dedication to the task of promoting the social and cultural advancement of our province. It is a legacy that will stand the test of time, and that has set the stage for new contributions by his successor, Graydon Nicholas.