FREDERICTON (GNB) – The provincial government has appointed a trustee to oversee operations of the Campbellton Nursing Home in order to help seniors waiting for a placement in the region get access to a bed at this facility. More than 30 beds are vacant at the home, while more than 50 seniors in the Campbellton region were in hospital awaiting a nursing home placement at the end of June.

The trustee is Tom Mann, a retired lawyer and former provincial government deputy minister. Mann will oversee operations of the 100-bed facility effective immediately for up to 12 months. Members of the nursing home’s board of directors have been relieved of their duties.

“The decision to appoint a trustee was considered very carefully and was not taken lightly,” said Social Development Minister Dorothy Shephard. “The department has tried to work with the former board of directors for quite some time, but our concerns have not been adequately addressed.”

The nursing home has been struggling with issues such as staffing ratios, recruitment, occupancy rates and budget pressures for several years.

“It is important to note that, despite the challenges, front-line employees have continued to provide high-quality care for the residents, which is the top priority for the Department of Social Development,” said Shephard. “I want to assure residents and their family members that the future of the nursing home is not in question. It is my expectation that it will continue to provide a safe and caring environment for its residents for many years to come.”

As trustee, Mann will have all the powers of the board of directors and will have access to all records and other documents relating to the home. He will be supported by the facility’s senior personnel, who will be responsible for day-to-day operations.