FREDERICTON (GNB) – The following statement was issued today by Social Development Minister Dorothy Shephard in relation to ongoing negotiations with CUPE nursing home workers:

I am very disappointed that CUPE has resorted to tactics that have resulted in bullying toward Social Development employees and have interrupted the department’s ability to carry out its business.

I am also confused at the reasoning behind these tactics, since CUPE should be aware the mediator has requested that both sides return to the table as early as next week.

The provincial government remains committed to productive negotiations with nursing home workers. In March, the mediator recommended that both sides step away from the table until he thought a resumption in talks would be productive. We have been following that recommendation.

The mediator reached out to both sides Wednesday morning and recommended that the parties meet on either May 9 or May 14. We have confirmed with the mediator our availability on either date.  

Media stunts are not necessary to get the province back to the table. We have said all along that the only way to achieve a new collective agreement is by negotiating at the table, and we are looking forward to returning soon.

That is why we have enhanced our offer and also offered binding arbitration with reasonable conditions, but CUPE’s demands for 20 per cent wage increases have not changed.

The CUPE members currently occupying the Social Development building are disrupting important operations and impacting the ability of our clients to meet with staff.

By inviting the media, with cameras, into the building, they are compromising privacy for our clients and this is not acceptable.