FREDERICTON (GNB) – The Healthy Aging Provincial Roundtable has started work on how it will guide and implement the New Brunswick Aging Strategy.

The roundtable’s first meeting took place today in Fredericton.

“The roundtable members will play an important role in implementing the aging strategy to ensure our seniors have the best aging experience possible,’’ said Seniors and Long-term Care Minister Lisa Harris. “We need the right programs and services in place for our seniors when they need them.”

The provincial government announced in September that it had accepted the 77 recommendations contained in the New Brunswick Aging Strategy, which were developed by the Council on Aging.

The government then created the Healthy Aging Provincial Roundtable to guide and oversee the implementation of the recommendations. The roundtable is co-chaired by the deputy ministers of social development and health, and is comprised of key stakeholders and senior government officials.

“It is important that we have seniors who are healthy, happy and independent,” said Health Minister Benoit Bourque. “By having more age-friendly communities, more community-based health and wellness programs, and being more innovative, seniors will get the care and support they need in the most appropriate setting.”

More information on the aging strategy is available online or by calling 1-855-550-0552.

Fostering healthy aging and support for seniors is one of the seven priority areas outlined in the New Brunswick Family Plan framework, which also focuses government action on: improving access to primary and acute care; promoting wellness; supporting people with addictions and mental health challenges; advancing women’s equality; reducing poverty and providing support for persons living with a disability.