FREDERICTON (GNB) – New Brunswickers have an additional week to participate in the public consultation process with the Council on Aging.

“Tremendous work is being carried out by the council toward the development of an aging strategy for our province,” said Seniors and Long-Term Care Minister Lisa Harris. “To date, more than 40 stakeholder groups and eight researchers have taken part in the dialogue. Council members are also encouraged by the input received from individual New Brunswickers and would like to hear more.”

A new website asks the public to share their story about growing older in New Brunswick. Submissions will now be received online until July 8.

The council will review the public comments received in preparation for a final report and recommendations to the government later this year.

“Both individually and collectively, we are committed to the cause of creating an action-oriented strategy toward healthy aging and improved quality of life for seniors,” said Ken McGeorge, co-chair of the council. “We also recognize our work must be expedient in getting the best and right plan in place for New Brunswick’s aging population.”

New Brunswick is the oldest of any province in Canada. About 20 per cent of the population is 65 and older and the number of seniors is expected to double in the province over the next 20 years.

“Today, the majority of seniors are living independently outside a nursing home facility,” said Suzanne Dupuis Blanchard, co-chair of the council. “We are working to design a strategy that supports wellness and independence, while also addressing the needs of seniors in care. It is about identifying well-rounded solutions for what really matters in making life better for New Brunswickers who are aging.”

The 17-member council was formed in February with a mandate to develop an aging strategy that addresses both short-term sustainability and long-term changes in order to balance the needs of the aging population and the rising cost and pressures on the health-care system.