SAINT JOHN (GNB) – Funding to help First Steps Housing Project Inc. to repair its shelter for expectant and new mothers who are homeless was announced today in Saint John.

“First Steps is an important facility for at-risk pregnant or parenting young women and their children,” said Healthy and Inclusive Communities Minister, Dorothy Shephard. “Our government is proud to contribute funding toward community efforts that provide the support needed to help people move from homelessness to self-reliance and a better quality of life.”

Shephard spoke on behalf of Social Development Minister Madeleine Dubé.

The 12-unit shelter will receive a combined investment of $43,070 from the federal and provincial governments under the Shelter Enhancement Program. The program offers financial assistance to repair and renovate shelters and to acquire or build new shelters and second-stage housing for women and children who are victims of family violence.
“Our government is providing assistance to Canadians who need it most here in Saint John and in all corners of the country,” said Saint John MP Rodney Weston. “The renovations to this building mean that pregnant or parenting young women and their children will have a safe and supportive place to live, as well as the services they need to begin a new chapter in their lives.”

Weston attended for Candice Bergen, federal minister of state for social development.

Funding was made available through the 2011-2014 Investment in Affordable Housing program.


●    Department of Social Development (housing)
●    Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp.