FREDERICTON (GNB) – The week of October 20-26, National Foster Family Week, is an opportunity to recognize foster families for their on-going commitment to the most vulnerable children in the province’s communities, foster children.

"A strong and supportive family life is essential to a child's healthy development," said Social Development Minister Madeleine Dubé. "Foster parents provide a nurturing environment for our children and youth. Many young people have safe and loving homes because an individual or family has made the important decision to become a foster parent."

In New Brunswick, there are 515 foster families providing care for 945 foster children.

"It is important to bring attention to foster care programs and to recognize foster parents who are giving of themselves to the children in their care," said New Brunswick Foster Families Association president Brian Williams. "We also want to encourage potential foster parents to come forward and open their home to a child or youth in care."

For more information about foster families or becoming a foster parent, call 1-800-990-0119 or visit the Department of Social Development's website.


●    Family Foster Care