FREDERICTON (GNB) – The following message was issued by Social Development Minister, Sue Stultz, who is also the minister responsible for seniors, housing and community non-profit organizations, in recognition of National Volunteer Week, April 15 - 21:

Volunteering is the ultimate demonstration of generosity and self giving. The kindness demonstrated by volunteers as they help others is remarkable.

Across the province, the work of volunteers enhances the quality of life for all New Brunswickers through causes that benefit our family life, environment, culture and sports. They also provide support to those less fortunate.

Each year, New Brunswick volunteers contribute more than 50 million hours to causes they care about. For all the charitable hard work they accomplish, for their dedication, commitment, compassion and determination, I recognize all our volunteers as champions of generosity.

I extend a sincere thank you to all volunteers for the many services they provide and for making our province a better place for all who live here.