ST. STEPHEN (GNB) – The Town of St. Stephen and the Kiwanis Club of St. Stephen today unveiled plans for a new skateboard park, thanks to investments by the provincial, federal and municipal governments.

“We understand what matters most to New Brunswickers,” said Tourism, Heritage and Culture Minister John Ames. “They want their government to make investments to help the economy. Our investment in a new skateboard park will promote healthy living and wellness for our youth in St. Stephen and the region.”

Ames spoke on behalf of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour Minister Donald Arseneault, who is also minister responsible for the Regional Development Corporation.

The project involves new equipment, fencing and paving to create a skateboard park in a section of the Border Arena parking lot.

“As the member of Parliament for New Brunswick Southwest, I am proud that the Government of Canada recognizes that investing in infrastructure is necessary to provide municipalities with the building blocks they need to support a thriving community,” said New Brunswick Southwest MP Karen Ludwig. “This new skateboard park is an important piece of community infrastructure that will contribute to local youth participating in healthy activities, enhancing the quality of life for families in St. Stephen and the surrounding area.”

Ludwig attended for Navdeep Bains, minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development and minister responsible for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA).

“The Kiwanis Club of St. Stephen is proud to present the Kiwanis Centennial Park to the youth of the St. Stephen area,” said Ken McLaughlin, Kiwanis project co-ordinator. “I would like to thank the strong partners that have joined our project; the Town of St. Stephen with the site and site preparations; the federal government through ACOA; the Province of New Brunswick and Regional Development Corporation; and all the volunteers and Kiwanis members. The public support for this project has been over the top, thank you! To our youth, as you leap and roll into your park, keep the shiny side down.”

The federal government is investing $42,250 in the project through the Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program. The provincial government, through the Regional Development Corporation, is contributing $20,000, while the Town of St. Stephen and the Kiwanis Club are investing a total of $40,000.