FREDERICTON (GNB) – The following statement was issued today by Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour Minister Francine Landry, who is also the minister responsible for the Francophonie, in recognition of National Francophone Immigration Week, Nov. 2 – 8:

Francophone Immigration Week is celebrated across the country to raise awareness about the realities and benefits of welcoming francophone newcomers to Canada. As New Brunswick is a bilingual province, our government is committed to ensuring that our two official linguistic communities remain vibrant and successful.

During the week, various activities will take place across the province, highlighting the values and contributions of French-speaking newcomers to the labour market, economic development and the social, cultural and linguistic diversity of the region.

The week presents the perfect opportunity to reflect on and celebrate the positive contribution francophone immigrants have made to our communities and to the province’s economy as well as the important role the communities play in welcoming newcomers and helping them successfully settle in New Brunswick.

New Brunswick has a unique cultural mosaic which is integral to our identity, our well-being and our economy. That is why our government is committed to maintaining New Brunswick’s unique linguistic balance and to attracting newcomers to our province that can help us maintain this unique aspect of our culture. Attracting skilled workers to our province to grow our economy is a priority for our government, and we believe that an emphasis on francophone immigration will help our province’s economic and cultural health.

I am pleased to celebrate this week and encourage all New Brunswickers to do the same. It is a great opportunity to support a sense of belonging among our francophone communities. I wish to commend the work being done by the Réseau en immigration francophone du Nouveau-brunswick and its members. They are an essential piece of the successful settlement of our francophone and Francophile new comers.

The francophone and Acadian communities in New Brunswick have planned a variety of activities and events to mark Francophone Immigration Week. Details are available on the Fédération des communautés francophones et acadiennes du Canada’s website (French only).