FREDERICTON (GNB) – The New Brunswick Innovation Foundation today established three new applied research chairs valued at $3.525 million over five years.

Areas of research include the commercialization of plant-based omega-3 fatty acids for food and pharmaceuticals; advanced cyber security threat detection, response and mitigation systems; and biomedical human prosthetic and augmentation devices.

“Smart investments in research and development are at the heart of our government's plan to create jobs and make life better in New Brunswick communities,” said Premier David Alward. “The valuable work of these research chairs will help create and protect jobs in both emerging and traditional sectors in our province.”

Today's ceremony presented the first three of six recipients. As part of the provincial government's $80 million commitment to innovation and research and development, six New Brunswick Innovation Research Chairs were established in 2013. Each will receive $1,000,000 in applied research funding over five years, plus two graduate research assistants and one research technician, valued at $175,000.

“These research positions will foster greater collaboration between the private sector and academia,” said Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour Minister Jody Carr. “This initiative is an important component of our government's innovation strategy and will highlight the strengths of New Brunswick's academic institutions and research talent. This investment in research positions complements our government's focus on people, skills and jobs as these researchers will work with our key industries and, in turn, boost our economy and create jobs.”   

Obtaining the chair was a highly-competitive process held over several months. Research institutes and universities sent 19 letters of intent. Of these, nine were requested to submit a written proposal and five were invited to make a presentation before a selection committee.

The remaining three chairs will be selected in the winter of 2015. The competition begins with a letter of intent to be delivered to New Brunswick Innovation Foundation not later than Oct. 31. For the final round, preference will be given to candidates that are external to the applicant organization. More information is available online.

“Developing an innovation-based economy starts with clever, enterprising people who are dedicated to solving problems that create new opportunities,” said Robert Hatheway, chair of the New Brunswick Innovation Foundation. “Helping to turn research into enterprise is one of the foundation’s biggest strengths, in fact, many of our companies have spun out of New Brunswick universities. We expect to see the same from these three extraordinary researchers, who are poised to make a tremendous contribution to life, society, business and education in New Brunswick and beyond.”

The 2014 recipients are:

●    Erik Scheme  - NB Innovation Research Chair in Medical Devices and Technology - University of New Brunswick - $1,175,000

As technology advances, the demand for advanced wearable medical devices has seen a rapid increase over the past five years, including smart prosthetic hands and limbs, multi-monitoring devices for human physiology, and more recently, human augmentation technologies. Scheme's mandate is to position New Brunswick as a world leader in the discovery, innovation and commercialization of medical devices and technologies.

●    Marc Surette - NB Innovation Research Chair in Biosciences - Université de Moncton - $1,175,000

Common sources of omega-3 fatty acids currently come from animals, and most predominantly fish. However, their increased use in food and supplements is pushing demand beyond supply. Surette will work in partnership with agricultural companies to develop crops of a specific plant that is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, opening up new opportunities for farmers and industry in New Brunswick and beyond.

●    Natalia Stakhanova - NB Innovation Research Chair in Cyber Security - University of New Brunswick - $1,175,000

Despite enormous achievements in computing, the recent Heart Bleed Bug demonstrated that no organization, regardless of size, power, or wealth, is immune to cyber security threats. As more industries, enterprises, and governments integrate their online systems with countless other organizations, doing business in the digital age has opened a whole new set of problems. Stakhanova will lead the research and development of detection and response technologies for current, trending and anticipated cyber security threats, and facilitate their adoption by primary industries.

The New Brunswick Innovation Foundation is an independent, not-for-profit corporation that invests in new growth-oriented companies and applied research activities to help build an innovation-based economy for New Brunswick. Since its inception in 2003, the foundation has invested more than $50 million. It has helped to create more than 50 companies and fund 350 applied research projects.