FREDERICTON (GNB) – The provincial jobs summit - People, Skills, Jobs: Putting our resources to work - will feature Charles S. Coffey and Michael Haan as the keynote speakers.

"Creating jobs and growing the economy is our government's priority," said Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour Minister Jody Carr. "We are committed to a collaborative approach by focusing on people, skills and jobs. By bringing stakeholders and experts like Dr. Haan and Mr. Coffey together to facilitate the exchange of ideas and information, we are taking the first step in moving these ideas into concrete actions."
Coffey is an Officer of the Order of Canada. A New Brunswicker and multi-award winner, he remains dedicated to understanding cultures, building relationships and speaking up about issues that need a strong voice. He is a champion of children and early child development, young people, Aboriginal peoples, women entrepreneurs and women in public office as well as education and diversity. Coffey will deliver his keynote address entitled People Power is the Competitive Advantage: Building a Diverse Workforce in the 21st Century on the second day of the summit.    

An associate professor and Canada Research Chair in Population and Social Policy at the University of New Brunswick, Haan is a national authority in his research areas. His research interests include demography, immigrant settlement, labour market integration and residential segregation. He will deliver his keynote address, People, Skills, Jobs: What's around the corner for New Brunswick, on the first day of the jobs summit.

In addition, Mark Wafer, owner of several Tim Horton's franchises in Ontario, will speak about his experience and nationally recognized commitment to employing persons with a disability. He will also be participating in a complementary event, the Premier's Forum on Employment for Persons with a Disability being held on May 12 to coincide with the job summit.

"Stakeholders from across the province representing a wide range of sectors, including universities, public and private colleges, industry, business, youth, under-represented groups, First Nations and labour organizations will have the opportunity to hear from these respected professionals as we gather next week to discuss ways to address our labour market challenges," said Carr.

The jobs summit will also include two panel discussions. David Campbell, president of Jupia Consultants Inc., and Anne Hébert, chief executive officer of the Conseil économique du Nouveau-Brunswick inc., will serve as moderators. Both are well known leaders in issues surrounding economic development in New Brunswick.

Campbell will facilitate a panel discussion on jobs. The panellists include:

●    Robert Moreau, Conseil économique du Nouveau-Brunswick;
●    Jeff Green, J.D. Irving Ltd.;
●    Mark Haines-Lacey, Invest NB;
●    Bob Collins, Buildforce Canada;
●    Andrew Dawson, Atlantic Regional Council of Carpenters, Millwrights and Allied Workers; and
●    Christina Taylor, New Brunswick Teen Apprenticeship Program.

Hebert will facilitate a panel discussion on people and skills. The panellists include:

●    Jean-Claude Basque, NB Common Front for Social Justice;
●    Krista Carr, New Brunswick Disability Executives' Network;
●    Alec Boudreau, Fédération des jeunes francophone du Nouveau-Brunswick;
●    Gérald Richard, Education and Early Childhood Development;
●    Carole Daley, New Brunswick Community College; and
●    Kelly Lendsay, Aboriginal Human Resources Council.

The jobs summit is being held May 12- 13 at the Delta Hotel in Fredericton. A provincial job and career fair will follow May 14 and is open to the public.

In addition, the provincial government supported a job and career fair in Moncton earlier this spring. A labour market forum was held earlier this week in Bathurst and a job fair specifically for persons with disabilities is scheduled for June 4 at the Collège communautaire du Nouveau-Brunswick campus in Campbellton.

"Creating jobs, growing the economy and effectively providing support and career planning for New Brunswickers is our government's priority," said Carr. "We are implementing the action items identified in the Labour Force and Skills Development Strategy. We're doing so with our partners in a planned and targeted way that will lead to positive change."