SAINT JOHN (GNB) – The One-Job Pledge initiative, having surpassed its original goal to help businesses create 650 jobs for recent post-secondary graduates, is being expanded to create 200 more jobs.

"In less than one year, the One-Job Pledge has helped hundreds of New Brunswick businesses grow and succeed," said Premier David Alward. "Our government believes supporting business is integral to growing the economy. The One-Job Pledge has the added benefit of providing recent graduates the opportunity to gain work experience here at home."

Since its launch in January, the One-Job Pledge has helped create 723 jobs, 144 in greater Saint John alone, in a variety of sectors, from information and communications technology to construction. The new goal is to help businesses create 850 jobs.

"Our government has been hard at work to create programs and initiatives that will help businesses reach their potential,” said Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour Minister Jody Carr. “The One-Job Pledge is simply one tool that we have to help create good jobs, grow the economy and rebuild New Brunswick. In addition, the Labour Force and Skills Development Strategy 2013-2016 consists of 44 action items to help New Brunswickers obtain the skills and training they need to meet the challenges of today's labour market needs."

Innovatia Inc., a Saint John-based knowledge management consulting firm, has hired 23 employees through the One-Job Pledge.

"Innovatia prides itself in being a New Brunswick-based company with a global footprint,” said David Grebenc, co-chief executive officer of the company. “We have been committed to building our economy within New Brunswick for some time. As we continue to grow and expand, initiatives such as the One-Job Pledge enable us to help recruit the highly skilled talent we need locally while maintaining our competitive edge globally."

Under the program, eligible New Brunswick businesses receive a one-year wage incentive when they hire a permanent, full-time employee who graduated from a post-secondary institution in the past four years. These businesses must pay a minimum salary of $14 per hour. The initiative will allow for the reimbursement of 70 per cent of the salary to a maximum of $10 per hour for 52 weeks.

The One-Job Pledge is part of the Workforce Expansion Program administered by the Department of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour and is one of several initiatives made possible through the Canada-New Brunswick Labour Market Development Agreement and the Canada-New Brunswick Labour Market Agreement.

More information is available by calling the nearest provincial employment office or by going online.