TORONTO (GNB) – Premier David Alward participated by phone in a meeting with the other premiers, who were in Toronto on Friday, to continue their focus on jobs and the economy.

The premiers said they are united in their commitment to provide skills training to all Canadians who want to work. They support evidence-based programming that has been proven to help Canadians. Consultations led by Alward and British Columbia Premier Christy Clark confirmed that the proposed Canada Job Grant will not work for employers or the most vulnerable Canadians.

The Canada Job Grant would focus training funds on those who already have jobs, leaving behind unemployed Canadians.

Alward and Clark will lead efforts to develop a counter-proposal that would allow Canadians, including the most vulnerable and unemployed, to receive the training they need. The premiers reaffirmed their position that provinces and territories must be able to opt out with full compensation.

They also discussed a number of other priorities important to economic growth, including modernizing Canada's fiscal arrangements; enhancing retirement income security; international trade; and investments in infrastructure.