FREDERICTON (GNB) – The following statement was issued today by Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour Minister Jody Carr, who is minister responsible for immigration in New Brunswick, in recognition of National Francophone Immigration Week, Nov. 3-9:
National Francophone Immigration Week is an initiative which brings together various francophone immigration stakeholders within the Atlantic region.

This week raises awareness about the reality and benefits of welcoming newcomers to our region.  As New Brunswick is a bilingual province, our government is committed to ensuring that our francophone communities remain vibrant and successful.

In the Atlantic regions the week aims to increase awareness of the benefits of francophone immigration while highlighting the values and contributions of French-speaking newcomers to the labour market, economic development, social, cultural and linguistic diversity of the region.

Our government has just finished a four-week public consultation process regarding the province's population growth strategy, including a francophone immigration strategy. We are seeking to increase the province's population and develop a strategy focusing on attracting more francophone immigrants.

Developing a new population growth strategy, and particularly the first ever francophone immigration strategy, is outlined as a key action item in our recently released Labour Force and Skills Development Strategy.  Our government is committed to maintain New Brunswick's unique linguistic balance and the importance for balanced attraction efforts with the goal of augmenting our workforce. Growing the population is a priority for our government which attributes directly to rebuilding New Brunswick.

The francophone and Acadian communities in New Brunswick have planned a variety of activities and events to mark National Francophone Immigration Week. Details are available online. (French only)

I am pleased to celebrate this week and encourage all New Brunswickers to do the same. It is a great opportunity to support a sense of belonging among our francophone communities and to recognize the contribution that immigration makes socially, economically and culturally.