FREDERICTON (GNB) – New Brunswickers are encouraged to explore career and education opportunities as part of Career Week, Nov. 4 - 8. During the week, regional Employment Development Offices and Career Information Centres across the province will be hosting special events to highlight available employment programs and services.
“This week reminds us of the great career resources that are available for New Brunswickers who are looking for meaningful employment or making a career transition,” said Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour Minister Jody Carr. “Career Week is helping us achieve our goals, as outlined in the New Brunswick Labour Force and Skills Development Strategy. Economic success is dependent upon a strong, responsive and educated workforce, therefore increasing literacy, skills training and educational attainment throughout the labour force is key.”
Career Week is hosted annually to promote awareness of the value of career development at all stages of careers and to support residents in making informed choices about their future post-secondary education, training and employment options.
“Providing appropriate training and workplace experience opportunities shows our government's commitment to equip New Brunswickers with the right skills they need to participate in the labour market, which is a key component in rebuilding New Brunswick,” said Carr.
Events in each region will highlight the value of planning a career, utilizing the services available in the community and training opportunities. Regional activities will also provide participants with information about training and continuing education programs, labour market trends and information and employment openings in a range of sectors, from accommodation and food services to construction.
“Career planning is a life-long process, not a single decision,” said Carr. “It is never too early or too late to start exploring your options. People are often not aware of all the employment and training opportunities available to them. That's where our individual services can really help, and it is free and available to everyone.”
New Brunswick Career Week coincides with the national initiative, Take Our Kids to Work Day, which will be held Wednesday, Nov. 6. This annual tradition provides Grade 9 students the opportunity to spend a day in the workplace of a parent, relative or friend.


●    Training and Employment Services
●    Labour Force and Skills Development Strategy