FREDERICTON (GNB) – The provincial government is investing $2 million to help establish a centre for ethno-cultural and settlement organizations at the previous YMCA premises on Saunders Street in Fredericton. Premier David Alward made the announcement.

"Our government identified strengthening settlement infrastructure as an action item in our Economic Development Action Plan, Growing Together," said Alward. "Supporting this project is one way we can achieve this goal and attract and support more highly skilled workers and business immigrants."

The Multicultural Association of Fredericton will be the primary tenant, with office space and facilities made available for other ethno-cultural and settlement service organizations.

"These organizations serve an essential role in connecting with newcomers; creating needed support systems, facilitating labour market connections; and introducing new arrivals to their communities and neighbours," said Post-Secondary Education Training and Labour Minister Danny Soucy. "Bringing these services under one roof will help immigrants make the linkages necessary to participate fully in the community."

The project supports the Fredericton YMCA in finding a new owner for the vacant facility. In addition, the centre will enable the multicultural associations to share costs and leverage resources.

Fredericton has welcomed more than 5,000 newcomers during the past decade. Providing them with the settlement supports they need to thrive is a key component of New Brunswick's population growth strategy.