FREDERICTON (GNB) – The provincial government is encouraging families and communities to showcase the benefits of reading and to promote literacy in support of National Family Literacy Day on Jan. 27.

“This day promotes the importance of creating family time where parents and children have an opportunity to read together,” said Education and Early Childhood Development Minister Jody Carr. “Reading with a child is one of the most important things that anyone can do to support a child's education and it fosters a lifelong love of reading.”

“As New Brunswickers, we have a responsibility to reinforce the culture of literacy and learning in our communities and in our homes,” Carr said. “Reading is a cornerstone of education and forms a foundation of success for every child. The earlier we begin, the greater opportunities our children will have.”

The department supports literacy through initiatives such as Born to read, which provides new parents with books, including a baby book written by a New Brunswick author. The program is funded through donations from foundations, organizations and individuals.

Also in partnership with Elementary Literacy Inc., the department recently invested $ 2.5 million to support the Elementary Literacy Friends program. The program aims to improve literacy through one-on-one tutoring at the primary level with recruited volunteer tutors who are matched with children requiring additional literacy assistance.

Research shows that from birth to age five, children engage in cognitive, language, social, emotional, physical and motor learning and development that significantly affects them as they grow. Parents and caregivers are the first teachers of children and have a great influence on improving the reading and writing skills of all family members.

During their elementary and secondary school years, children develop the skills they need to make a successful transition to adulthood. Post-secondary education offers widespread benefits to individuals including higher wages and increased job satisfaction all leading to a stronger economy and an enhanced quality of life.

“Our government is committed to fostering learning at all ages and stages of life,” said Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour Minister Danny Soucy. “Literacy provides the foundation upon which to build a skilled workforce. I encourage New Brunswickers to celebrate National Family Literacy Day by visiting their local library to enjoy the events that have been planned.”

Carr and Soucy thanked the early childcare sector, the Born to read committee members, Elementary Literacy Inc., school districts, schools, public libraries, communities and other organizations for their many positive initiatives to promote reading.

Family Literacy Day, launched by ABC Life Literacy Canada, has been a national initiative for 15 years. It is held each Jan. 27 to raise awareness of the importance of reading and engaging in other literacy-related activities as a family.


●    ABC Life Literacy Canada
●    Born to Read New Brunswick
●    Elementary Literacy Inc.