FREDERICTON (GNB) – Regional employment development offices and career information centres will host special events during Career Week, Nov. 5-11, to highlight the employment programs and services available to the public.

"Our government supports New Brunswickers of all ages to develop the skills, experience and knowledge necessary to participate fully in the labour market," said Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour Minister Danny Soucy. "Our mandate is to develop a workforce to meet the needs of employers. These events are one way our government is supporting this effort and helping to rebuild New Brunswick."

Career Week is held annually to promote awareness of the value of career development at all stages of careers and to support residents in making informed choices about their future post-secondary education, training and employment options.

"Career Week is helping us achieve our goals, as outlined in our government's Economic Developmenet Action Plan," said Soucy, "Our goals include enabling our labour force to become the best it can be, having more people working at the right jobs, and matching people, education and training with employment opportunities."

Events will include workshops on such topics as how to look for a job; how to write a résumé and cover letter; how to prepare for an interview; and how to follow up on an interview. Regional activities will also provide participants with information about New Brunswick's training and continuing education programs, labour market trends and information and employment openings in a range of sectors.

"Often the skills required to find employment are not the same as those required for the particular job,” said Soucy. “Often, people are not aware of all the employment opportunities. That is where our individualized services can help. And it is free and available to everyone."

Participants will be encouraged to sign up for one-on-one appointments where staff can help them define career goals and develop individual action plans. Those unable to attend are invited to contact their regional employment development office to book an appointment.

New Brunswick Career Week coincides with the national initiative Take Our Kids to Work Day, Wednesday, Nov. 7. The annual tradition involves more than 250,000 Grade 9 students who will spend the day in the workplace of a parent, relative or friend.


●    Department of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour (training)