FREDERICTON (GNB) - The following statement was issued today by Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour Minister Martine Coulombe, in recognition of Labour Day, Sept. 3:

Labour Day is an opportunity to pay tribute to the contribution of workers to our communities and economy. This is the day we celebrate our province's priceless human resource.

This holiday weekend, New Brunswickers can take a well-deserved break from their daily routines and enjoy their families, friends and communities. It is an occasion for us to remember the importance and dignity of work, and to restate our commitment to health and safety in the workplace.

As outlined in our government's Economic Growth Strategy, Growing Together, we are also committed to enabling our existing labour force to become the best it can be; having more people working at the right jobs; and matching people, education and training with employment opportunities.

We are proud of our workforce. New Brunswickers are savvy and talented people who want to be prosperous and are willing to work hard to improve their standard of living. I also salute the many dedicated volunteers who are making a difference in our province. Their generosity continues to serve as an example and inspiration to others.

As we celebrate the final holiday of the summer, I ask all of you to take a moment to reflect on the character and spirit that make this province's workforce second to none. I wish all New Brunswickers a safe, enjoyable Labour Day weekend, and thank them for their continued efforts toward making New Brunswick the unique place it is today.