FREDERICTON (GNB) – Online information on automobile and small engine repair is now available from the New Brunswick Public Library Service.

“New Brunswickers have asked for these resources, and we have responded,” said Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour Minister Martine Coulombe. “We know these excellent products will be well received by automobile enthusiasts, as well as by those needing to maintain small engines, such as lawn mowers and chainsaws.”

The information is grouped as reference centres on the library service’s Electronic Resources page:

●    auto repair reference centre: contains repair and maintenance information on most major vehicles. New repair procedures and updates are added to the site on a regular basis; and

●    small engine repair reference centre: provides detailed, user-friendly repair guides for all manner of small engines such as chainsaws, motorcycles, and lawn mowers.

“We want to make sure the message gets out that public libraries enhance the quality of life for everyone,” said Coulombe, “We know libraries are a great place to encourage lifelong learning and literacy, but they are also an important resource for reference material. That is why we are constantly adding a diverse array of new content into our already extensive online offerings.”

Both reference centres are available to library card holders. The content of these two new resources is in English.

Interested New Brunswickers who do not have a library card may get one for free at any public library or bookmobile, or order one from the website.


●    New Brunswick Public Library Service