FREDERICTON (GNB) – A public exhibition of interdisciplinary artistic media featuring the work of 10 graduate studies students at the New Brunswick College of Craft and Design officially opens today.

The opening of Cross Processed, will take place from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at The Gallery of the New Brunswick College of Craft and Design, 457 Queen St., Fredericton. The show will run daily, from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., until Sept. 7.

"The exhibition features work, including photography, film and fibre among other disciplines," said Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour Minister Martine Coulombe. "Each student has a unique art form, making this an incredible and diverse showcase of New Brunswick talent."

Graduate Studies, now in its fifth year, is a one-year certificate program designed to foster advanced research into professional theory and practice; provide a framework for fine craft, design and entrepreneurial skill development; and, in the process, lead to a professional body of work to help launch successful careers in art, craft, design or new media.  

"This program, with its emphasis on advanced studio practice and entrepreneurship, has been attracting a growing number of students," said Coulombe. "We are proud of this year's emerging professionals, and I encourage New Brunswickers to visit the gallery to support them and view their exceptional work."

Cross Processed aims to help launch the careers of the graduating students, who have spent an additional year at the college, honing their craft and establishing themselves as independent artists.

"The Gallery of the New Brunswick College of Craft and Design is operated year-round to provide the environment for students to prepare for creative careers," said Coulombe. "In addition, it enhances the quality of life and cultural offerings for New Brunswickers."