FREDERICTON (GNB) – Premier David Alward today announced changes to his senior leadership team, allowing for an even greater focus on New Brunswick's economic and resource development priorities.

“Creating jobs and strengthening the economy requires the right kind of experience in the right place at the right time,” said Alward. “I am confident that these changes to the senior ranks of the public service will allow us to continue moving toward our goal of rebuilding New Brunswick.”

Roger Clinch has been appointed chief of staff in the Office of the Premier. As a former mayor, member of Parliament and senior manager in the private sector, Clinch brings more than 25 years of leadership and public sector experience to the role.

The following changes at the deputy minister level are being made in support of government's key economic and resource development priorities:

●    Denis Caron, currently deputy minister of Environment and Local Government, becomes deputy minister of Economic Development.

●    Bill Levesque, currently deputy minister of Economic Development, becomes deputy minister of Natural Resources.

●    Phil Lepage, currently deputy minister of Natural Resources, becomes deputy minister of Environment and Local Government.
In addition to changes designed to strengthen job creation and strengthen the economy, further changes to the senior leadership team are being made to provide continuity and to advance major reform areas across government:

●    Nancy McKay, currently chief of staff in the Office of the Premier, becomes secretary to the Policy and Priorities committee of cabinet and deputy minister for Intergovernmental Affairs and the Women's Equality Branch.

●    Daniel Allain, currently president and chief executive officer of NB Liquor, becomes deputy minister, management and administration in the Office of the Premier, effective Oct. 18.  An executive search firm has been engaged to recruit a new president and chief executive officer for NB Liquor, as was recommended in the strategic review submitted to cabinet in 2012.

●    Darell Fowlie, currently deputy minister responsible for communications in the Office of the Premier, begins a one-year leave of absence to return to the private sector, effective Oct. 18. In his absence, Christianna Williston will serve as the premier's director of communications.

●    Judith Keating, currently deputy Attorney General and deputy minister of Justice, becomes chief legal advisor to the premier on aboriginal and intergovernmental affairs and related issues. Guy Daigle will act as deputy Attorney General and deputy minister of Justice until a permanent replacement is recruited through an external search process.

●    Greg Lutes, currently secretary to the Policy and Priorities committee of cabinet, becomes deputy minister of Tourism, Heritage and Culture.

●    Kelly Cain, currently deputy minister of Tourism, Heritage and Culture, becomes deputy minister of Human Resources.

●    Kim Daley, currently deputy minister of Human Resources, becomes deputy minister of Government Services, president of Service New Brunswick and president of the NB Internal Services Agency.

●    Sylvie Levesque-Finn, currently deputy minister of Government Services, president of Service New Brunswick and president of the NB Internal Services Agency, has decided to retire from the New Brunswick civil service at the end of the year and will take on a special assignment at the Executive Council Office until then.
Except where noted, all changes are effective in the month of September, 2013.
“I recognize the important contribution each of these dedicated public servants has made to rebuilding New Brunswick,” Alward said. “Our government is reinforcing our focus on creating jobs and strengthening the economy and these changes will further that commitment.”

BIOGRAPHY: Roger Clinch

Clinch has more than 25 years of leadership and public sector experience. He has worked at Xstrata Zinc in various leadership capacities including most recently as manager of its operations in Ireland. He has also served as a member of Parliament, the mayor of Bathurst, and as a community volunteer. He holds degrees from St. Thomas University and the Université de Moncton.

Following is the complete list of deputy ministers, deputy heads and presidents of Crown corporations (* denotes a change or addition):

Roger Clinch*
Chief of Staff, Office of the Premier

Byron James
Clerk of the Executive Council and Secretary to Cabinet

Nancy McKay*
Secretary to the Policy and Priorities committee of Cabinet, Executive Council Office and Deputy Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs and the Women's Equality Branch

Darell Fowlie (leave of absence)*
Deputy Minister, responsible for Communications, Office of the Premier

Dallas McCready
Deputy Minister responsible for Strategic Initiatives, Executive Council Office

Daniel Allain*    
Deputy Minister, Management and Administration, Office of the Premier

Guy Daigle*
Acting Deputy Attorney General and Deputy Minister of Justice

Dale Wilson
Deputy Minister of Public Safety

Jane Garbutt
Deputy Minister of Finance

Kelly Cain*
Deputy Minister of Human Resources

Kim Daley*
Deputy Minister of Government Services
President, Service New Brunswick
President, New Brunswick Internal Services Agency

Jean-Marc Dupuis
Deputy Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure

Bill Levesque*
Deputy Minister of Natural Resources

Jean Finn
Deputy Minister of Energy and Mines

Robert Rioux
Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries

Marc Léger
Deputy Minister of Health

Edith Doucet
Deputy Minister of Social Development

Tom Mann
Deputy Minister of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour

Gérald Richard
Deputy Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development (francophone sector)

John McLaughlin
Deputy Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development (anglophone sector)

Phil Lepage*
Deputy Minister of Environment and Local Government

Margaret-Ann Blaney
President of Efficiency NB

Denis Caron*
Deputy Minister of Economic Development

Robert MacLeod
President, Invest NB

Greg Lutes*
Deputy Minister of Tourism, Heritage and Culture

Patrick Francis
Deputy Minister of Aboriginal Affairs

Carolyn MacKay
Deputy Minister of Healthy and Inclusive Communities