FREDERICTON (CNB) – Draft versions of government regulations are now being posted online. Premier David Alward announced that the first two such regulations are now available for public review and input.

"As part of our ongoing work to increase transparency and involve New Brunswickers in decision making, all proposed government regulations are being posted online," Alward said. "We made the commitment to open up the regulation drafting process for public input. Individuals and organizations now have an opportunity to provide feedback on regulations before they are finalized."

The first regulation to be posted is the draft regulation on the changes made to the Assessment Act during the fall legislative session. These changes limit increases to residential property assessments to three per cent for 2011 and 2012. The cap does not apply to cottages, apartment buildings, commercial properties or to major renovations done on a property.

Local Government Minister Bruce Fitch, who is also minister responsible for Service New Brunswick, said that these changes were another commitment made in the document, Putting New Brunswick First.

"These changes are intended to protect New Brunswickers from the large jumps in assessments that we have seen the last few years," Fitch said. "I hope residents will make use of the opportunity to review the regulations and give us their feedback."

The other draft regulation posted today is under the Potato Disease Eradication Act.

Alward said new regulations will be added to the government website as they are drafted.  

"As our government continues to become more transparent and offer more opportunities for public involvement, I want to encourage New Brunswickers to take part in this new process and have their say in how rules and regulations are made," he said.


●    Public review of draft regulations: