FREDERICTON (GNB) – The New Brunswick Fishing Challenge, a new program to encourage New Brunswick youth to learn about fishing through the scouts, guides and 4-H organizations, was announced today.

"I firmly believe we need to find ways to encourage our youth to re-connect with the land, and fishing is an activity that enables people to experience nature first-hand," said Culture, Tourism and Healthy Living Minister Trevor Holder. “Fishing is a sport that we are hopeful more youth will become interested and involved in."

The Fishing Challenge was developed to promote fishing as a healthy activity. Through the program, youth involved in scouts and guides can be awarded a New Brunswick Fishing Challenge crest. Those involved with provincial 4-H clubs can also participate in the challenge and receive certificates on achievement days.

"The New Brunswick Fishing Challenge has been designed to educate youth, help them learn about casting and tying and then put these skills and knowledge to use," said Natural Resources Minister Bruce Northrup.

The fishing challenge crest features the salmon fly designated as the Picture Province and was designed by Warren Duncan to depict the value of the Atlantic Salmon to New Brunswick. This fly was proclaimed the provincial official symbol on July 22, 1993.