SUSSEX (GNB) – A new trailer to be used by the Department of Natural Resources to promote wildlife conservation and enforcement will be on display throughout the Kiwanis Home and Lifestyle Show, being held April 20-22 in Sussex.

"Wildlife and other natural resources belong to the people of New Brunswick, and we can all play a role in preserving wildlife,'' said Natural Resources Minister Bruce Northrup. "This new trailer will be used at community events throughout the province to promote wildlife conservation, and particularly, the important role the public can play through Crime Stoppers.''

Since its inception, the Crime Stoppers program has been a vital source of information on illegal hunting, fishing and wood theft. Crime Stoppers contact information is prominently displayed on the new trailer and is part of strategic initiative by the department to increase the number of Crime Stoppers tips it receives from the public.

"Our Target Poaching / Ciblons le Braconnage initiative is intended to create a greater awareness that natural resources' crimes can be reported to Crime Stoppers," said Northrup. "Anyone who sees illegal fishing or hunting or has information about the theft of wood from Crown land is asked to contact their local Department of Natural Resources office or Crime Stoppers at -800-222-TIPS (8477). In this way, we can all participate in protecting our natural resources that are an important part of our province's heritage, culture and economy.''

Conservation officers will be at the home and lifestyle show; Northrup will be there from 10 a.m. to noon, Saturday, April 21.

In addition to the new trailer, a department vehicle equipped with new mobile technology will be on display. The department has launched a two-year program to equip field staff with mobile technology so they can perform more of their duties in the field rather than from an office.


●    Crime Stoppers:

EDITOR’S NOTE: Natural Resources Minister Bruce Northrup will be at the department’s booth from 10 a.m. to noon on Saturday, April 21.