FREDERICTON (GNB) – The following message was issued today by Environment and Local Government Minister Jeff Carr:

Each year during the first week of June, New Brunswickers are invited to recognize and participate in Canadian Environment Week. The week coincides with World Environment Day on June 5, Clean Air Day on June 6 and World Oceans Day on June 8.

World Environment Day’s theme this year, Beat Air Pollution, encourages us to take steps toward improving the air around us.

Air pollution comes from five main human sources: agriculture, homes, industry, transportation and waste.

I would like to inspire all New Brunswickers to find ways to beat air pollution. There are many things we can do that will have an impact. We can implement energy-efficient solutions in our homes; reduce the amount that we drive our cars by using mass transit, carpooling, biking or walking; or consider more fuel-efficient vehicles.  

In recognition of World Oceans Day, I would like to remind everyone of the valuable role our oceans play in our daily life. They govern our weather, impact our air quality, provide a significant source of food, are home to many living creatures, and play a vital role in our economy. New Brunswick is fortunate to have nearly 2,250 kilometres of coastline, and it is important we cherish and protect this precious natural resource.

I challenge all New Brunswickers to take part in Canadian Environment Week and find ways we can beat air pollution and protect our natural environment.