FREDERICTON (GNB) - The provincial government will upgrade and enhance its mobile radio communication system.

“Planned enhancements will improve the safety and security of New Brunswick families and the public safety officials who protect them,” said Public Safety Minister and Solicitor General Stephen Horsman. “We are investing in the system today to ensure that those who ensure public safety can carry out their duties in a safe and effective manner.”

The radio system provides service to more than 3,400 users, including first responders, enforcement officers, and public service workers such as school bus drivers and snow plow operators. The existing 30-year-old system lacks coverage in many areas of the province, does not allow for different agencies to communicate during emergencies and does not offer interprovincial operability.

“Our existing communication system is unable to support modern communications requirements necessary for emergency services, daily enforcement, and protection of residents and business,” said Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Roger Melanson. “It presents unacceptable risks to first responders and to service operations in times of emergency. We need a more reliable, functional system to increase safety, improve outcomes for residents, support business investments and do our job properly.”

The government is partnering with Bell Mobility which will construct communication towers, place antennas and networking infrastructure at new and existing towers, and handle the supply, installation and configuration of network and user equipment as well as help with the development of courseware and training for radio technicians.

“The New Brunswick Association of Chiefs of Police is pleased to see the modernization of our province's mobile radio communication system move forward,” said Gilles Lee, association president. “It is important in our day-to-day operations to have access to the best possible tools. In emergency situations, efficient communication is vital and information between agencies is often of a sensitive nature. This new system will allow us to do our job in a safe manner with more secure access between the right parties.”

Work on the new system is underway and is being carried out in stages with completion expected in late 2016. The existing system will continue to be used until the new one is fully functional.

"We are pleased to be providing the Government of New Brunswick with a modern, integrated and effective mobile radio network,” said Dan McKeen, vice-chair and senior vice-president, Bell Aliant. “In conjunction with our supplier partners at Motorola Solutions Canada and based on national standards for public safety communications, this new Bell Mobility radio network will help enhance the safety of New Brunswickers for years to come.”

The province has been considering options for improving its mobile radio communications since 2007. The new system was adopted in partnership with the municipalities, allowing all partners to share the advantages of a common investment.

The governments of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island recently formed similar partnerships with Bell Mobility for upgrading communication systems in their jurisdictions. As a result, New Brunswick’s new system will allow for connecting all Maritime systems together for communication among the provinces during emergencies and weather events.