GAGETOWN (GNB) – The provincial government will undertake repairs to the Gagetown ferry and aims to have it re-inspected and back in service by early July.

The ferry was removed from service last February following a routine inspection.

“Transportation safety is of the utmost importance to our government,” said Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Roger Melanson. “Our government understands that there has been some frustration with the status of the Gagetown ferry, but we could not rush into any decision on the file until we could fully understand the extent of the repairs to be carried out.”

A further inspection of the ferry, which required its hull to be removed from the water, was necessary following the initial inspection carried out in February. This work could only be carried out once the ice cleared from the St. John River.

It is expected that, once operational, the Gagetown ferry will operate on a reduced schedule of 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily and that new vehicle volume and weight restrictions will be applied.

“Our government knows that the Gagetown ferry is an important tourism asset for New Brunswick,” said Melanson. “That is why we are working hard to get this vessel back in service for the bulk of the 2015 summer tourism season.”