LONDON, United Kingdom (CNB) - Graydon Nicholas, the province's first lieutenant-governor of Aboriginal heritage, has marked National Aboriginal Day in London, United Kingdom, as part of a visit with the Queen.

Nicholas welcomed a group of British scouts to the Canadian High Commission in central London. Nicholas and his wife, Beth, are in London for a private audience with the Queen, which will take place at Buckingham Palace on Tuesday.

Nicholas met with members of the 2nd Enfield scouting group - the same young people he met in Fredericton last February during a scout exchange to New Brunswick.

Nicholas celebrated his native culture with a talking circle, and he presented the scouts with a talking stick made in his home community of Tobique.

"All people can learn from a lesson in First Nations culture," said Nicholas. "Having the opportunity to celebrate National Aboriginal Day in London is the perfect chance to share the messages of the Maliseet people, of New Brunswick and of Canada."

Nicholas and his wife return to New Brunswick on Wednesday following the private session at Buckingham Palace.