FREDERICTON (CNB) - The official residence of the Lieutenant-Governor of New Brunswick will take part in a global movement to create awareness for climate change. Lt.-Gov. Herménégilde Chiasson announced today that Old Government House will be in the dark for one hour this Saturday evening, as part of "Earth Hour".

"This movement started last year in Australia, where more than two million people participated by turning off their lights for an hour," Chiasson said. "That effort reduced the energy consumption in the city of Sydney by more than 10 per cent for the hour - the same as taking 48,000 cars off the road.

"Leaving Old Government House in the dark for an hour is a small but symbolic step," Chiasson said. "All spotlights, interior lamps, exterior lighting on the grounds, appliances, and non-essential conveniences will be idle from 8 p.m. until 9 p.m. as part of Earth Hour. I hope other New Brunswickers will do something similar in their own homes."

Old Government House, on Woodstock Road in Fredericton, is 180 years old, is a National and Provincial Historic Site and is traditionally bathed with flood lights at night to show off its fieldstone architecture and Palladian features.

"This residence is a treasure, and people certainly think of it with a strong sense of ownership and pride," the lieutenant-governor said. "I have the good fortune of living at Old Government House for a short while, but it belongs to all residents of our province. I believe taking part in Earth Hour is a lesson in environmental responsibility, and it is the least we can do."