Government of New Brunswick


The Go NB grant is designed to strengthen physical literacy and reduce barriers to sport participation for children and youth, with a particular focus on equity owed citizens.


Provincial and local sport organizations, municipalities, non-profit organizations, Regional Service Commissions and Indigenous communities are all eligible for this grant.

Applicants must demonstrate their capacity to plan and implement programs that develop physical literacy and/or reduces barriers to sport participation. Applicants must also provide clear evidence that they have qualified leaders/instructors.

Objective 1 – Development of Physical Literacy of youth (Active Start, FUNdamentals, and Learning to Train of the Canadian Sport for Life, Long Term Development model).

Objective 2 – Participation of equity owed citizens (Indigenous peoples, persons with a disability, women and girls, youth experiencing financial barriers, 2SLGBTQQIA+ or newcomers.).


The attached guidelines provide the required information to apply for Go NB financial assistance.

The Go NB Grant Program is the result of a bilateral agreement between the Government of Canada (Sport Canada) and the Province of New Brunswick. The budget for this program is $577,280.

**Funding application must be received by March 1st of each year to remain eligible for consideration


The anticipated outcome of the Go NB Grant Program is that New Brunswickers, including Indigenous Peoples and equity owed citizens, have opportunities to participate in sport. Results will focus on Physical Literacy development in youth, Leadership development and the participation of equity owed citizens.

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