ATHLOVILLE (GNB) – The provincial government is investing $400,000 to upgrade equipment at Sugarloaf Provincial Park as part of an increased focus on the tourism sector.

The funding will go toward the purchase of a new trail groomer for the park’s ski hill for next winter.

“We have listened to New Brunswickers who have told us they want their government to make investments to grow the tourism sector,” said Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour Minister Donald Arseneault. “This investment will ensure Sugarloaf Provincial Park continues to deliver a high-quality experience for visitors.”

Arseneault spoke on behalf of Tourism, Heritage and Culture Minister John Ames.

As part of the government’s commitment to growing the tourism sector, investments in capital maintenance for provincial parks and attractions are doubling to $2 million for the 2017-18 fiscal year compared to the $1 million made available in 2016-17. Sugarloaf Provincial Park attracts more than 50,000 visitors each year.

The park in Atholville provides year-round access to outdoor recreation. It offers skiing, sliding and other outdoor activities in winter, and hiking and biking in summer. It is also home to Atlantic Canada’s only lift-service mountain bike park.

The tourism sector employs more than 42,000 New Brunswickers and plays an important role in the economy. Provincial parks are a major draw for visitors and create nearly $4 in visitor spending for every dollar spent by the government.