WOODSTOCK (GNB) – The theme for Heritage Week 2016 was officially announced today at Connell House in Woodstock. The week will run from Feb. 8 to 15.

“Heritage and culture are important parts of our social fabric and also contribute significantly to our economy,” said Tourism, Heritage and Culture Minister Bill Fraser. “The theme, Leadership & Legacy, will provide New Brunswickers with an opportunity to celebrate the people who have made lasting contributions to our province.”

The goal for Heritage Week is to provide New Brunswickers with opportunities to celebrate their heritage at the local level. This year all interested individuals, community organizations, schools, museums, libraries, archives, senior centres and historic sites are invited to celebrate.

“As we move closer to Canada’s 150th anniversary in 2017, it is increasingly important that we celebrate the people who have helped get us here,” said Fraser. “Heritage Week 2016 will go a long way toward helping to identify New Brunswick’s greatest contributors to our country.”

To assist with these activities, Heritage Week 2016 promotion kits will be available mid-December. Individuals and groups wishing to order a kit may contact the Heritage Branch at the department by e-mail at [email protected].

“Heritage Week allows us to create an awareness of New Brunswick’s history and promote our cultural heritage,” said Fraser. “Young New Brunswickers have a chance to learn about some of the men and women who shaped our beautiful province and helped to make it the best place to raise a family.”