WOODSTOCK (GNB) – The grand opening of the newly-expanded L.P. Fisher Library, the renovated Woodstock High School Theatre and the AYR Motor Centre was celebrated in Woodstock on July 27.

“The federal and provincial governments have worked together with the municipality, the community and the private sector to provide local residents and visitors with exceptional venues for cultural, recreational and business related activities,” said Tourism, Heritage and Culture Minister Bill Fraser, who is also minister responsible for the Northern and Miramichi Funds. “Excellent projects have been completed at the civic centre, library and school theatre to ensure Woodstock has the infrastructure it needs to grow and provide key services, while also enhancing the quality of life for families, youth and seniors.”

The library now houses a multi-purpose room and new meeting spaces. The school theatre was modernized. At the Carleton Civic Centre, now renamed the AYR Motor Centre, a multi-functional field house was constructed and the meeting and conference spaces were expanded and modernized.

“Our government is committed to supporting communities across Canada,” said Rob Moore, minister of state for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency. “By investing in the Town of Woodstock’s L.P. Fisher Public Library and the AYR Motor Centre, we are ensuring that this community has modern facilities so residents and businesses can access the resources they need to maintain a high quality of life now, and for years to come.”

“Today we celebrate the official opening of the largest capital project in the history of the Town of Woodstock,” said Mayor Arthur Slipp, who is also co-chair of the Town of Woodstock steering committee. “Thanks to our funding partners, these new regional facilities will enhance the lifestyle and wellness of residents of the greater Woodstock region for decades to come. Exciting new economic, cultural and artistic opportunities have already taken place and, as we look to the future, there truly will be ‘Something for Everyone’ to enjoy as our region continues to grow and prosper.”