FREDERICTON (GNB) – The following message was issued by Social Development Minister Cathy Rogers and Education and Early Childhood Development Minister Serge Rousselle in recognition of National Child Day, Nov. 20:

National Child Day is special for children and youth in Canada and around the world because Nov. 20 is the official date when we recognize and acknowledge that children are important members of society and should have a say in the issues that affect them.

This year marks the 25th anniversary of Canada adopting the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. In ratifying this declaration, our country made a commitment to ensure all children are treated with dignity and respect.

In New Brunswick, we cherish our children and are continually working to make their lives better. As a society, we have a responsibility to ensure that all children reach their full potential.

In addition to each child’s fundamental right to access to education, the Convention on the Rights of the Child includes the right to rest, leisure, play, recreation, arts and culture. Likewise, New Brunswick’s curricula for daycares includes ways parents and early childhood educators and service providers can make play a part of each child’s care and learning. The curricula help foster their curiosity, courage and confidence as they expand their knowledge and learn skills. They also help children to develop a sense of security in their linguistic and cultural identities, and to appreciate diversity.

Young children must have the opportunity to explore the world around them and engage in physical activity. They need to live in loving families with parents who engage them in early learning experiences – who talk with them, read with them, play with them and comfort them. With these types of positive early experiences, children will succeed in school and in life.

Today and every day, we should celebrate the bond that unites parents with their children and recommit to providing children with the care, safety and security that will nurture their development and enhance their well-being.

We encourage all New Brunswickers to take the time to celebrate National Child Day. Our children are our hope for the future.