FREDERICTON (GNB) – The following statement was issued by Social Development Minister Madeleine Dubé in recognition of National Social Work Week, March 17-22:

National Social Work Week is an excellent occasion to recognize the dedication, commitment and significant contributions social workers make each day in New Brunswick.

This year, New Brunswick will join the rest of Canada by celebrating the week's theme, Social Workers – Defending Social Programs for a Stronger Canada.

The work and influence of people who have chosen social work as a profession often goes unnoticed when it is done well because the public only sees the result of their efforts. With the help and guidance of these caring individuals, families become able to support and nurture their children in safe environments, seniors and adults with disabilities are able to remain in their homes and communities, victims of family violence or adult abuse or neglect have started new lives, and people heading down the wrong path have turned their lives around.

There are countless examples of their exceptional dedication. Coming from a social work background, I understand the challenges facing social workers, and I am always inspired by their compassion, knowledge, skill and energy to do what is right for our clients.
During National Social Work Week, and throughout the year, I encourage all New Brunswickers to take a moment and celebrate the efforts of our valued social workers.