FREDERICTON (GNB) – The following message was issued by Social Development Minister Sue Stultz, who is also minister responsible for seniors, housing and community non-profit organizations, in recognition of International Day of Older Persons and National Seniors Day on Oct. 1:

This is a day that Canada and the world celebrate and appreciate the contributions and achievements that older persons have made to society.  

Seniors want to lead dignified, productive and healthy lives. As a society, we need to recognize the potential of our seniors and take advantage of the wealth of experience, life skills and knowledge they possess.

Seniors are a valuable and vibrant resource in our communities. They have contributed much to our nation's productivity and prosperity and many continue to do so today through social and community work.

The energy and commitment of our seniors to the betterment of the province reminds us to do our part to enhance the quality of life for all as we rebuild New Brunswick together.

I encourage New Brunswickers to honour and value our seniors as the province and country we enjoy today is due, in large part, to the hard work of our older citizens.