FREDERICTON (CNB) – The following message was issued in recognition of International Volunteer Day by Social Development Minister Sue Stultz, who is also minister responsible for seniors, housing and community non-profit organizations:

As we celebrate Dec. 5 as International Volunteer Day, I thank all the volunteers across New Brunswick who work tirelessly every day to make life better in their communities.

This day is an opportunity to celebrate and recognize those who give selflessly of their time, energy and abilities. Without volunteers, many organizations would not be able to offer their programs and services to those in need.

Volunteers are an invaluable resource: they work with children, young people, families and seniors. They can be found at a wide variety of organizations including shelters, nursing homes, hospitals, schools and daycares. Volunteers teach sports and recreation, support the arts and contribute to our culture and heritage.

Volunteering provides the opportunity to give back and improve the quality of life in our communities. Many people willingly volunteer their time without recognition because their reward comes from helping their neighbour.

In honour of International Volunteer Day, I ask all New Brunswickers to join me in acknowledging and celebrating our province's volunteers.


●    Department of Social Development: