DIEPPE (GNB) – An investment of $150,000 is being made in beautification projects around Place 1604, in downtown Dieppe, to celebrate Canada’s 150th anniversary.

“Canada 150 is a celebration of Canada’s 150th anniversary of Confederation. It is a celebration of communities and groups coming together, and being proud of the significant anniversaries and accomplishments that have helped form the Canada we know today,” said Treasury Board President Roger Melanson. “Our investment in this project will beautify Dieppe’s downtown while commemorating Canada’s 150th anniversary.”

Melanson spoke on behalf of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour Minister Donald Arseneault, who is also the minister responsible for the Regional Development Corporation.

The improvements will include an artistic restoration of the stairs connecting city hall and Place 1604; the installation of a decorative concrete bench; an enhancement of Allée du Patrimoine; and the installation of a 150th anniversary banner on street lights around Place 1604.

“This project will help make the downtown more vibrant and attractive and will enhance the tourism experience,” said Dieppe Mayor Yvon Lapierre. “By improving the downtown’s appearance, we improve the quality of life of residents and we stimulate economic activity within the businesses surrounding Place 1604. Several components will allow for celebrating our country’s diversity.”

 Funding is provided under the Program for Municipal Development to Commemorate Canada’s 150th Anniversary. Municipalities with populations of more than 4,000 and less than 25,000 were eligible to apply for funding of up to $150,000 for beautification projects to contribute to a vibrant and attractive downtown and to commemorate Canada’s 150th anniversary.