MIRAMICHI (GNB) – The new multi-functional air services building at the Miramichi Airport officially opened today.

“Our government understands what matters most to New Brunswickers,” said Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Bill Fraser. “We know the importance of creating jobs and growing the economy. New Brunswickers want their government to make investments to help the economy, and our investment in this infrastructure project will assist the Miramichi region explore greater economic development opportunities.”

Fraser spoke on behalf of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour Minister Donald Arseneault, who is also the minister responsible for the Regional Development Corporation.

“This new airport services building is vital to Miramichi’s ongoing efforts to diversify and grow the local economy,” said Miramichi-Grand Lake MP Pat Finnigan. “Investing in facilities such as this one creates long-term growth and jobs for the middle class, while building inclusive communities where people have the opportunity to succeed and want to work, live and raise a family.”

Finnigan attended for federal Innovation, Science and Economic Development Minister Navdeep Bains, who is also the minister responsible for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA).

The new building houses flight operations, aircraft dispatching, meteorology observation, aviation fuel services, pilot reception and a rest area.

“Our new multi-use air terminal demonstrates that we are open for business and mean business,” said Derek Burchill, president of the Miramichi Airport. “This is an example of what is possible when all three levels of government share a vision and make it happen.”

The provincial and federal governments each contributed $500,000 toward the building’s development. The City of Miramichi provided $250,000 and the Miramichi Airport Commission contributed $362,000 to the project.