SAINT ANDREWS (GNB) – The provincial and federal governments are investing more than $6.6 million in two aquaculture projects at the Huntsman Marine Science Centre, which will create nine new jobs.

“Economic growth is the priority of New Brunswickers,” said Premier Brian Gallant. “These research projects that we are supporting will create jobs and enhance our research capacity in the aquaculture sector.”

The provincial government is investing $1.15 million in a new system that will more than double the centre’s salt water supply. The federal government, through the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency’s (ACOA) Innovative Communities Fund, is providing $2 million towards the project. The increased volume of water will be used to accommodate the centre’s growing private-sector clientele.

The New Brunswick Innovation Foundation is providing $495,475 to support development of programs to carry out selective broodstock development services for salmon and other species for its commercial clients. The federal government, through ACOA’s Atlantic Innovation Fund, is investing $2,996,780. Northern Harvest Sea Farms is providing $1,241,764 and the Huntsman Marine Science Centre is contributing $23,000 towards the project.

“As the growth in demand for aquaculture products continues, so to do consumer expectations for sustainable management practices,” said New Brunswick Southwest MP Karen Ludwig. “This creates a challenge for aquaculture companies to continue to provide a safe, healthy and sustainable seafood supply in a manner that minimizes the impact on the environment. Science and innovation are at the heart of meeting this challenge and thanks to this investment from the federal government, the Huntsman Marine Science Centre will continue to make an important contribution to advancing the development of sustainable aquaculture practices that will benefit the region and the country.”

Ludwig attended for federal Innovation, Science and Economic Development Minister Navdeep Bains, who is also minister responsible for ACOA.

“The centre has played a significant role in research, development and education related to our marine and coastal communities since we were founded in 1969,” said Fraser Walsh, board chair of the Huntsman Marine Science Centre. “These investments today are not only recognition of our successes, but also a demonstration of our tremendous potential.”