BATHURST (GNB) – The provincial and federal governments are investing $4.19 million to expand the Bathurst Regional Airport.

“Our roads, rail, ports and airports are crucial infrastructure for New Brunswick businesses,” said Premier Brian Gallant. “The airport expansion will create jobs in the short term and spur economic growth in the long term.”

The provincial and federal governments will each contribute up to $2,095,000 for an infrastructure project which will double the size of the existing terminal and extend the runway by 370 metres (900 feet).

“Public infrastructure connects people, supports job creation, and boosts economic development,” said Acadie-Bathurst MP Serge Cormier. “This is why the Government of Canada is providing unprecedented funding for public infrastructure projects that will help grow the middle class and promote sustainable development and long-term prosperity in communities across the country. By financing projects like the Bathurst Regional Airport, we will build the Canada of the 21st century and ensure a high-quality of life for generations to come.”

Cormier attended the event for Infrastructure and Communities Minister Amarjeet Sohi.

The Bathurst Regional Airport serves a population of 150,000 and more than 5,500 businesses within a one-hour radius by car. The airport was originally built to accommodate 30,000 passengers annually. In 2015, the airport served 51,888 passengers. This increase in passenger numbers demonstrated the need for the upgrades.

“We are so very pleased with this announcement,” said Colin Brewster, president of the Northern New Brunswick Airport Authority Inc. “The airport is a vital part of economic development in Northern New-Brunswick. The expansion of our terminal and the lengthening of our runway will allow for a safer and more comfortable experience for all using the airport. We would especially like to underline our partnership with the Government of Canada and the Government of New Brunswick for making this project a reality.”