SAINT JOHN (CNB) – The Eastern Wastewater Treatment Facility, an important part of the Saint John Harbour Clean-Up project, was officially opened today in a ceremony involving federal, provincial and municipal representatives.

"The Eastern Waste Water Treatment Facility is a great example of the partnership and collaboration that makes New Brunswick such a great place to be," said Tourism and Parks Minister Trevor Holder. "This project will contribute to the quality of life for residents in the city and will support future growth as our region and our province continue to prosper."

Holder spoke on behalf of Economic Development Minister Paul Robichaud.

"Our government has been working together with provincial and municipal governments to deliver results to the people of New Brunswick through important improvements and upgrades to municipal infrastructure," said Saint John MP Rodney Weston. "Our federal investment through the Canada Strategic Infrastructure Fund will make a real difference in Saint John by strengthening local infrastructure, improving the quality of life, and helping our economy."

Weston spoke on behalf  Bernard Valcourt, minister of state for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency and La Francophonie, and on behalf of Denis Lebel, minister of transport, infrastructure and communities.

The Harbour Clean Up initiative is a series of projects to redirect old sewer pipes, that currently empty into the harbour, to a new wastewater treatment facility. Part of the project was the construction of the Eastern Waste Water Treatment Facility. The facility will help Saint John move toward its objectives of having 100 percent of municipal wastewater collected and treated; and of eliminating any raw sewage going directly into the harbour.

"With the completion of the Eastern Waste Water Treatment Facility, Saint John is positioned as a leader in Atlantic Canada, with three water treatment facilities meeting its environmental protection obligations," said Saint John Mayor Ivan Court. "With the support of both the federal and provincial governments, the Saint John Harbour Clean-Up Program shows the environmental leadership required to protect our harbour, the gateway to the Bay of Fundy."

The federal, provincial and municipal governments each contributed $26.6 million to the Saint John Harbour Clean-Up initiative. The Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency is responsible for managing the federal funding on behalf of Infrastructure Canada.