SAINT-FRANÇOIS-DE-MADAWASKA (CNB) – The provincial government is prepared to fund two-thirds of the cost of upgrades to the J. Docithe Nadeau Sports Centre in Saint-François-de-Madawaska. Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour Minister Donald Arseneault made the announcement today.

“This is an important project for this region,” said Arseneault. “We want to see this move forward, which is why we have agreed to fund two-thirds of the cost, instead of the traditional one-third.”

“We welcome this important announcement today,” said Raoul Cyr, mayor of Saint-François-de-Madawaska,. “This project is very important for Saint-François and all the Upper Madawaska since the Sports Centre J. Docithe Nadeau is the only one serving the surrounding communities.”

Funding of up to $500,000 through the Regional Development Corporation is conditional on the community securing the remaining $250,000 cost.