BARTIBOG (CNB) – The provincial government is making an investment to make infrastructure improvements at Camp Sheldrake in Bartibog. Public Safety Minister and Solicitor General John W. Foran made the announcement.

"Ensuring that we have good facilities such as Camp Sheldrake will strengthen our communities and quality of life for the youth who use this popular facility," said Foran.

Foran was speaking on behalf of Business New Brunswick Minister Victor Boudreau, who is also the minister responsible for the Regional Development Corporation.

A $100,000 investment through the Regional Development Corporation will help defray the cost of improvements to the cabins, multi-purpose building, main hall and dining hall.

“We are excited to now be in a position to make the necessary improvements to our facilities,” said Joan McAvoy, of Camp Sheldrake. “We extend a sincere thank-you to the Regional Development Corporation and also to Minister Foran and local MLA Carmel Robichaud for their years of support. It is an extremely happy day at Camp Sheldrake.”