FREDERICTON (GNB) – Public Health reported 32 new cases of COVID-19 and 70 recoveries today. The number of active cases is 513.

Of the new cases, 17 – or 53.1 per cent – are unvaccinated, four – or 12.5 per cent – are partially vaccinated, and 11 – or 34.4 per cent – are fully vaccinated.

There are 13 people in an intensive care unit; 10 are unvaccinated, one is partially vaccinated, and two are fully vaccinated.

There are 23 people in hospital, including the 13 in intensive care. Of the 23 in hospital, 14 are unvaccinated, one is partially vaccinated and eight are fully vaccinated. There is currently no one 19 or under in the hospital.

Public Health has confirmed that one person 80-89 in Zone 5 (Campbellton region) has died because of COVID-19.


Circuit breaker reminder

The following areas are currently under a circuit breaker: Zone 1 (Moncton region); most of Zone 2 (Saint John region); the northern portion of Zone 3 (Fredericton region); all of Zone 4 (Edmundston region); and all of Zone 5 (Campbellton region).

More information about the circuit breaker rules, including a detailed list and map of affected communities, is available online.


Halloween guidance

Public Health is recommending that residents who wish to trick-or-treat this Halloween in non-circuit breaker areas only travel with their single household plus 20 consistent contacts. In circuit breaker areas, travelling for trick-or-treating is limited to a single household and appropriate distancing, masking and existing restrictions on indoor gatherings must be followed.

People who are handing out treats should sanitize their hands between visitors, keep high-touch areas such as door handles and provide treats through touchless means. Trick-or-treaters should wash their hands before heading out and upon returning home.

“I encourage New Brunswickers to follow the measures in place where they live to ensure that children across the province have a safe Halloween,” said Dr. Jennifer Russell, chief medical officer of health.

More information is available online.


Vaccination update

Public Health reported today that 85 per cent of eligible New Brunswickers are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and 92.6 per cent have received their first dose of a vaccine.

Health-care personnel – including those working in long-term care facilities – and residents of First Nations communities can now book an appointment to receive an mRNA COVID-19 booster dose if six months have passed since their second dose of a vaccine. They must bring their proof of vaccination, i.e. immunization record, to their appointment.

Appointments for first and second doses, as well as a booster dose for those eligible, can be scheduled for a regional health authority community COVID-19 vaccination clinic through the online booking system or at a participating pharmacy. Residents of First Nations communities can also book an appointment at a community clinic.

A list of upcoming mobile and walk-in clinics is available online.


CUPE strike impacting some areas of province’s COVID-19 response 

Due to strike action on Saturday by CUPE, a vaccination clinic in Fredericton at the Brookside Mall had to be cancelled, which resulted in the cancellation of previously scheduled vaccination appointments for 142 people who were instructed to book later or at a pharmacy. The vaccine was moved to a local pharmacy where it will be used in a clinic Monday.  

COVID-19 swabbing was cancelled on Saturday at assessment centres in Fredericton, Hartland, Moncton and Saint John with more than 300 appointments cancelled.  Some cases prioritized by Public Health were diverted elsewhere for testing. The Miramichi assessment centre operated at a reduced capacity.

Currently, there are more than 100 referrals awaiting appointments in the Fredericton, Hartland, and Miramichi areas. More than 250 appointments were cancelled today across the Horizon Health Network.  

The Dr. Georges-L-Dumont University Hospital Centre’s microbiology laboratory is now being impacted and COVID-19 assessment and testing activity will be significantly impacted in the coming week. Mitigation plans are being put in place and additional information on new assessment and testing protocols will be shared with the public Monday.

While Public Health has implemented contingency plans, CUPE declined to agree to the designation of essential workers in COVID-19 services (screening, vaccination clinics, assessment centres, labs) which may result in further delays and cancellations in the coming days.   


Regional breakdown of new cases

The four new cases in Zone 1 (Moncton region) are as follows:

  • three people 20-29; and
  • a person 40-49.

Three cases are under investigation and one case is a contact of a case.

The 17 new cases in Zone 2 (Saint John region) are as follows:

  • 12 people 19 and under;
  • two people 30-39;
  • two people 50-59; and
  • a person 60-69.

One case is under investigation and 16 cases are contacts of a case.

The two new cases in Zone 3 (Fredericton region) are as follows:

  • a person 20-29; and
  • a person 60-69.

Both cases are under investigation.

The three new cases in Zone 4 (Edmundston region) are as follows:

  • a person 19 and under;
  • a person 30-39; and
  • a person 40-49.

One case is under investigation and two cases are contacts of a case.

The six new cases in Zone 7 (Miramichi region) are as follows:

  • a person 20-29;
  • two people 40-49;
  • two people 70-79; and
  • a person 80-89.

All six cases are under investigation.

Additional information is available on the COVID-19 dashboard.


Potential public exposures

Anyone with symptoms of the virus, as well as anyone who has been at the site of a possible public exposure, is urged to request a test online to get an appointment.

A map of potential public exposures can also be found on the COVID-19 dashboard.