FREDERICTON (GNB) – The following statement of condolence was issued today by Premier Blaine Higgs:

It was with sadness that I learned of the passing of former MLA and cabinet minister Roland Haché.

Roland was a man who believed in public service. Over his almost 20-year political career he served as the mayor of Petit-Rocher from 1995 to 1999 and as the MLA for Nigadoo-Chaleur from 1999 to 2014. During his time in the legislative assembly, Roland held multiple cabinet portfolios, including Education and Environment and Local Government.

A passionate and kind man, Roland cared about his constituents and he represented them with great distinction.

To the family, friends and colleagues of Roland Haché, on behalf of the people and Government of New Brunswick, Marcia and I offer our sincerest condolences.