MONCTON (GNB) – Premier Brian Gallant announced today that the provincial government is on track to fulfill 98 per cent of its commitments to New Brunswickers, and their families, by September 2018.

To date, the government has delivered on 90 per cent of the 153 commitments made in Moving New Brunswick Forward, and a further eight per cent will soon be complete.

“Since October 2014, your government has delivered on the commitments we made to the people of this province that would help grow the economy, strengthen education and improve health-care delivery for all New Brunswickers,” said Gallant.

More Jobs: the government has:

  • Created a multi-year economic growth plan to ensure there is a co-ordinated, complementary effort to improve New Brunswick’s economy and realize maximum benefits.
  • Created the Free Tuition Program and the Tuition Relief for the Middle Class program, to provide upfront assistance to New Brunswick students and make post-secondary education more accessible and affordable.
  • Helped youth develop skills and find jobs through the Youth Employment Fund, as well as associated programs including Student Employment Experience Development and One Job Pledge.
  • Worked with the other Atlantic Provinces to develop the Atlantic Immigration Pilot Project, a three-year, employer-driven immigration program that attracts and retains talented immigrants while supporting population growth and addressing labour shortages.
  • Lowered the small business corporate income tax rate by 44 per cent.
  • Developed 10-year education plans for the anglophone and francophone sectors with the input of parents, youth, teachers, experts, and community and business leaders. The plans include strengthening our literacy rates, introducing more coding in schools and reintroducing trades in schools.

Best Place to Raise a Family: the government has:

  • Introduced a free child care program, created designated Early Learning Centres, ensured that New Brunswick families will not pay more than 20 per cent of their gross income for child care, and, between October 2014 and January 2018, supported the creation of 3,665 new child care spaces.
  • Improved access to primary care across the province by hiring 323 physicians in the past three years. This resulted in a net increase of 90 physicians, of which 44 are family physicians.
  • Invested in community health centres in Oromocto and Fredericton to improve access to primary health care in non-emergency situations, with another health centre being added in Paquetville this year.
  • Amended the Smoke-free Places Act to help limit the public’s exposure to second-hand smoke and help New Brunswickers live longer, healthier lives.
  • Created the New Brunswick Seniors’ Home Renovation Tax Credit to help seniors make their homes safer and more accessible, so that they can stay in them for longer.
  • Eliminated barriers that hindered access to a women’s right to reproductive services that were in place for three decades by amending the Medical Services Payment Act.
  • Advanced pay equity and increased the minimum wage four times.

Smarter Government: the government:

  • Initiated the Strategic Program Review in January 2015 to find measures to eliminate the province’s deficit and incorporated Strategic Program Review initiatives as part of the 2016-17 provincial budget. This helped government to cut the deficit by more than half.
  • Eliminated duplication by centralizing functions that are common across all departments of government, including communications, financial, human resources,information technology and policy development services.
  • Published quarterly financial statements to ensure government is transparent and accountable to New Brunswickers.
  • Amended the Political Process Financing Act so that votes received by female candidates are weighted 1.5 times greater than votes received by male candidates to provide an incentive for parties to recruit more female candidates.
  • Brought in two new acts, the Local Governance Act and the Community Planning Act, to give municipalities the powers they need to promote development and become hubs of job creation.
  • Is publishing the expense reports of MLAs online each quarter, improving transparency and helping to create a more effective legislature.

“As your government, we continue to invest in our multi-year economic growth plan, our 10-year education plans, and our plan to improve the quality and accessibility of health care in the province,” said Gallant. “Working together, we are moving New Brunswick forward.”