FREDERICTON (GNB) – The following statement and cabinet announcement was issued today by Premier Brian Gallant in recognition of Labour Day, Monday, Sept. 4:

Observing Labour Day provides us with an opportunity to give thanks to the New Brunswickers who built our great province and who continue today to keep New Brunswick diverse, strong and growing. It is a time to acknowledge the important role workers throughout our province play in the success of our beautiful province.

The hard-working people in both the public and private sectors are one of the key things that make New Brunswick great. They give our employers a strong workforce. These women and men keep our hospitals, schools, and stores running. This, in turn, helps to grow the New Brunswick economy, strengthen education and improve health care.

Labour Day is also a chance to recognize the enormous contributions that organized labour has made to our province through its unflagging efforts to improve working conditions. We are fortunate in New Brunswick to have workers and labour groups from across many sectors, making up a workforce that is productive and resourceful.

Because of the importance of a strong relationship with the labour movement, coupled with the interconnectedness between this relationship, growing employment developing a vibrant workforce and maintaining and growing our population, I am pleased to say that a new cabinet portfolio – minister of labour, employment and population growth – will be included in the next cabinet shuffle.

We have had a strong relationship with labour in New Brunswick. We are proud of what we have accomplished and we look forward to continuing to work with both our labour and business partners to ensure that workplaces in our province are safe, fair and respectful; that we are equipping our employees and employers with the skills they need to respond to a changing workplace and a growing economy, and to create, attract and keep good jobs in our province.

We want all New Brunswickers to continue to benefit from the recent growth and success of our province’s economy. That is why we will continue to leverage the New Brunswick Economic Growth Plan, the 10-year education plan, and the Family Plan. We will continue to build on our strengths, grasp new opportunities and help ensure New Brunswickers are positioned to meet the needs of the labour market, now and in the future. 

Working together, we can build on our proud legacy and ensure New Brunswick continues to thrive and prosper.

On behalf of the government, I express my gratitude for all the great work New Brunswickers do. Please enjoy a safe Labour Day weekend with your family, friends and communities.